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Teaching & Learning

BUE Priorities for SY 23/24

School Wellness: We will focus on kids and adults loving school.

Academic: Academics are rigorous, with rich and fun experiences.


Work Plan Overview: The table below will provide an “at a glance” of implementation priorities for this year. 

  Academic Goals School Wellness Goals
Multi-Year Impact Goals
Academics are rigorous, with rich and fun experiences. 
  1. BUE teachers and our Data Specialist will utilize a Data Dialogue Cycle to identify instructional priorities and track student progress.   
  2. Our Science and Social Studies Curriculum Specialist will work with teachers to increase rigorous academics with rich and fun learning experiences for students.  Expeditionizing our curriculums. Providing direct science and social studies instruction to every student, every week. 
  3. Our Instructional Coach will continue to grow teacher capacity in small group instruction utilizing the Daily 3 and the Daily 5 framework.  Every child in BUE will have individualized small group instruction opportunities. 
Intervention teams will provide push-in support to every student and classroom, utilizing a research based intensive reading intervention. SPIRE
Kids and adults love school!
  1. Student Wellness: Students will develop strong relationships with their classmates and teachers, and feel a deep sense of belonging. 
  • Weekly push-in lessons from counselors
  • Core Counseling Curriculum
  • Weekly Crew Plans (in Google Slides)
  • Friendship Groups
  • Lunch Bunch
  • Individualized counseling
  1. Educator Wellness: Teachers will develop strong relationships with their students and colleagues, and feel a deep sense of belonging. 
  • Book study on Educator Wellness
  • Planned Crew activities to deepen educator wellness.
  • Support teams will meet teachers where they are and help know it is ok to be where they are.  
  • Forced Family Fun events to deepen staff  relationships. 
2023-24 Performance Benchmarks
(WHAT) we want to accomplish)
Students scoring at the level of SRD will decrease by 20% from Beginning of Year Benchmark to End of Year Benchmark in SY 2023/2024 utilizing STAR data. 
NWEA data will show a 10% increase in the number of students who score at or above the 61st percentile from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 in both Reading and Math.
Culture and Climate:
  • Staff feedback surveys will show a 10% positive increase in scores from 2023 Spring Survey in the following categories: 
    • Sense of Belonging
    • Staff Efficacy
    • Workload Load
    • Overall Stress
  • Student behavioral referrals to the office will show a 15% decrease in Level 1 and Level 2 Behaviors from end of SY 22/23 to SY 23/24
  • Student Attendance rates will see a 10% increase from SY 22/23 to SY 23/24.

2023-2024  Implementation Priorities
(HOW we will go about accomplishing the WHAT)

Data dialogues will keep us focused on tracking student data all year. 
New opportunities for science and social studies instruction will increase both rigor and fun in learning for students. 
Teachers focused on personalized instruction through small groups as part of the Daily 5 and Daily 3 will increase academic success for all students. 
Interventionists will provide explicit foundational reading instruction to every student, every day  - and model explicit instructional strategies for teachers as part of the push-in service model.
  • Direct, explicit teaching on SEL and wellness for students through our counseling staff. 
  • Focus on increasing Educator Wellness through simplifying as many systems and processes as possible, reducing workload where we can, reducing initiatives, and increasing opportunities for staff to engage with each other.